Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Delay in Filming

We are running behind on our filming schedule now as some of our previous shots did not work properly as the camera did not show us the full picture whereas when we put it on the iMac, it was clear that for example for our greenscreen shots round the edge there were the background as the camera made us believe that it was only the greenscreen which was in the shot. We also ended up filming over some of our previous shots meaning that we had lost some shots which were essential - therefore we had to start some of the shot-frame-animation shots again due to the issue that not all of the shots were the same (e.g. lighting, the table position, object positions etc). This has resulted in us being prevented from moving on with our filming; however we hope to film the majority of the shots on friday as we have double free.
Unfortunately due to Levi being ill, it limited the amount of filming we were available to do. We managed to film a few takes of Jacob walking down Linden Avenue, however we were intending to film our tramp scene today - in which Levi was going to be the tramp. According to our shooting schedule we should now have finished filming or almost finished, which means we are extremely behind on our filming as we have not had the opportunities to film due to illnesses and absences. We will try and work around this and continue filming when it is available.

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